Art Director & Visual Artist
Stylin & Profilin.gif

Love Love Shopping Network

With the relaunch of my jewelry business coming fast around the corner I knew I wanted to do something grand and fun in terms of the visuals. The idea for this came about late one night when I went down a very deep and nostalgic hole that was prompted by seeing the ICONIC Miss Cleo infomercial on youtube. I then bounced around from Oxy clean commercials, that one commercial where michael Bolton was SCREAMING at the top of his lungs (Ahh the sweet smell of the late 90’s /early 2000’s) and landed on on the best of Mariah Carey on HSN and I knew I had hit the sweet jackpot. Getting inspired after watching these videos I decided I was going to create my very own infomercial segment to showcase the brand new collection and the personality of the brand.

Credits: Nyasia Sylvester - Set design, post production, photography, videography, and art direction
         Christopher Maccullen- Photographer
         Shannon Grant - Hand model
         Chinyere Okafor - Model

  Social posts for IG and facebook